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Meeting August 30, 2021
 513 Sunset Drive


Stan Hanoski( Vice-President), Daryl Lukan, Scott Siemens, Mike Garbowicz, Bruce McDowell (Treasurer)

Regrets: Colin Hanoski

1.  Call to Order at 6:35 pm

2.  Approval of Agenda


M:  That the Agenda be approved as circulated 

       M/S: M. Garbowicz/B. McDowell


3.  Adoption of Minutes


M:  That the Minutes of July 26, 2021 be approved as circulated

       M/S: S. Siemens/D. Lukan


4.   Financial Report - Treasurer provided an updated financial report demonstrating a current reserve balance of

5  KRA Report


Lorne provided the following updates:

  • Water update: wells, storage any other options - Wells continue to produce avg of 30 gpm which is comfortable.  Given peak-summer water usage of up to 40,000 gal/day, pumps are running steady which creates other sustainability concerns.  Lorne was unable to provide the board with monthly & yearly water utilization rates for reference but will attempt to collect that information for the next board meeting.  Additional completion of well-screen cleaning to take place this fall.

  • Hydrant flushing - Will happen late September

  • Road update (Grading, Gravel & Dust Proofing) – Buena Vista has purchased a new and larger sized Road Grader.  Lorne will investigate the option of hiring their operator twice/year for a deeper more effective grading.  Lorne conducted a “harrow-drag” recently which helped address some washboard.

  • Shoreline access policy update – Lorne has received no response from Wayne.  Plan remains to move the West Gate out several hundred meters and look at moving the East Gate to a more appropriate location in line with Community boundary.  Lorne will also begin working on more formally establishing an East Side trail access as well as clear and widen the West Side trail access.  West Sunset residents will be notified in advance and matter will be placed on AGM Agenda.

  • IMUC updates - No updates as no recent meetings

  • Lagoon Fund Rebate update – No response from IMUC, Lorne will reach out to Victoria directly, but believes those funds have been repaid

  • Park – Stairs to shore - Steel stairs installed, project complete

  • Use of reclaimed asphalt - Seems to work well, will put more down in the few necessary spots that arise after rainfalls

  • Traffic Diversion at Sunset & McNab – New cement barricades are working well, the HVC team will manage them going forward and will ensure they are widened slightly to facilitate fully emergency responder vehicle access.  Additional “No Trespassing” signage has been ordered for installation

  • Update on Spring / Summer water testing results.
    No lab test conducted since provided to the community on July23, 2021
          •  Testing results continue to be positive with rare and minimal evidence of content requiring address.

M:  THAT  the KBA Manager's report be accepted as presented

       M/S: D. Lukan/M. Garbowicz


6.  New Business

  • Remaining Terms of Directors
    - Colin – completing final 2-year term
    - Scott – completing 1st 2-year term
    - Daryl – completing final 2-year term
    - Bruce – completing 1st 2-year term
    - Mike – 1 year remaining on first 2-year term
    - Stan – 1 year remaining on first 2-year term

  • New Director Nominations – Bruce McDowell, Scott Siemens, Carla Matt; Constance Hourie; Alison Curtis; Roe Dennis.  Stan Hanoski has decided to resign from the Board, leaving Mike Garbowicz the only continuing director without election.

  • Bylaw Compliance Committee – Scott and Mike have not yet met with Craig Matt but will endeavor to do so after the AGM. 

  • AGM Planning - Hall is booked for Sept 18th, meeting starts at 9:30 until 11:30.  All directors will be present at 9:00 for set up.  Bruce, Daryl, and Mike will be the “greeters” to provide masks and hand-sanitizer use (Bruce will purchase the masks and hand-sanitizer)


M:  THAT the KRA new business items be dispatched as recorded

      M/S: D. Lukan/M. Garbowicz


8.  Adjourn 




Stan Hanoski, Vice- President




Scott Siemens, Secretary


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