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Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
November 14, 2021 via Zoom


Scott Siemens, President; Mike Garbowicz, Vice-President; Bruce McDowell, Treasurer;  Carla Matt, Secretary; Allison Curtis

Regrets: Randall Adams, Constance Hourie, Lorne Bumphrey

Call to Order at 6:35 pm

S. Siemens began the meeting acknowledging the land the meeting participants are joining from (Regina and Kinookimaw) as Treaty 4 land.  S. Siemens was leading the meeting from southern Ontario.

1. Approval of the Agenda


M:  That the Agenda be approved approved as circulated

       M/S: M. Garbowicz/B. McDowell


2.  Adoption of Minutes


M: THAT the minutes of October 4, 2021 be approved as circulated.


     M/S: C. Matt/A. Curtis



3.   Financial Report

Treasurer B. McDowell provided an updated financial report demonstrating a current reserve balance of $5,677.68 plus the additional funds from the membership canvassing project for a total of $6,737.68.  


Membership Door to Door Canvassing Project – D. Dennis and B. Garbowicz collected membership fees by canvassing door to door and communicating with residents via text message and facebook messenger.  Thanks to the combined efforts of D. Dennis and B. Garbowicz as well as the previous collection, we now have a total of 96 paid memberships (out of 104) which is the highest number of participating residents this Board has seen during their time living in Kinookimaw.  D. Dennis and B. Garbowicz’s tremendous volunteer efforts have made an incredible impact and we are very grateful to them both.


Board Insurance – L. Bumphreys advised B. McDowell, in a prior conversation, that W. Morris has paid the board’s insurance.  B. McDowell has not received an invoice/receipt acknowledging this payment.  After the canvassing and the discussion at the AGM, there are now high expectations that we will have communication with the residents on where the finances are being used.  B. McDowell will update the Board when he receives confirmation of the board’s insurance payment.  


Kinookimaw Park Committee – B. McDowell has not yet provided the $1,500 matching contribution to the Park Committee, however it will be disbursed, when appropriate, as the Park Committee has raised the required $1,500 in community donations.


Activity Centre Deposit – The deposit of $75 for the use of the Activity Centre for the recent AGM has not been returned to B. McDowell.  He will follow up with S. Hanoski to determine if the booking was cancelled in time to receive a refund.  The booking was cancelled due to the recent AGM location being moved to the Kinookimaw Community Park.  

M: THAT the financial report be accepted as presented.

      M/S: B. McDowell/A. Curtis


4.  KBA Manager's Report - No updates

5. Current Business arising from minutes

a)  Shoreline path gates – No update

b)  Membership fees (collection/use) - Updates recorded in the Financial Report

c)  Head/Sub Lease renewalA meeting date has not yet been arranged with Chief Peigan and W. Morris.  L. Bumphrey to arrange meeting and provide update.

d)  Community Contact List – During the door to door membership fee canvassing D. Dennis also collected phone number and email address changes for the Kinookimaw community contact list.  S. Siemens has requested D. Dennis send these changes to him and/or L. Bumphrey to be updated.  D. Dennis also asked the Kinookimaw residents if they were opposed to being added to the community contact list and was met with 100% agreement to let their addresses and phone numbers stay on the list (email addresses will not be included on the list.)  S. Siemens asked the Board for input on sending paid members the community contact list as previously we were concerned with privacy issues.  M. Garbowicz commented that he does not see any issue with providing the voluntarily collected information to people who have paid their membership fee and the rest of the Board agreed.  The email addresses collected with be provided to L. Bumphrey to update his current distribution list used only for community communication.  It was also suggested the intent for why we collect this information, as a whole, be posted on the Kinookimaw website.

M:  That we have L. Bumphrey forward all the resident’s information including the name, address and phone numbers to all KRA members upon accuracy updates. 


        M/S    S. Siemens/M. Garbowicz  


e) Social Coordinator vacancy – This vacant position was announced in the recent Kinookimaw Kommunicator.  No one has stepped forward with interest in filling in position however while D. Dennis was canvassing for membership fees, she discussed this opportunity with a few people.  Although not every resident utilizes facebook, we will add this opportunity to our facebook page in hopes someone will come forward.


f) Holiday Party 2021 – It seems pre-mature to have a large gathering at this time, therefore we will not be holding a Holiday Party again this year.  Alison suggests we have a spring event in lieu of a winter party and host it outdoors in the Kinookimaw Community Park area.  We can follow it up with the “wine & cheese” and other events later in the summer.  We will coordinate with the Park Committee and communicate with the residents about the spring event, wine & cheese, etc at a later date.  We have a lot to celebrate and a lot of new people we’d like to get to know.  Community building will be a focus this summer.  Trailer storage cleanup would be a good first event to get the residents together in the early spring.


g) West access walking path – no update

6.  New Business


a)  IMUC update – no update


b)  South Shore First Responders – They held a meeting on October 20, 2021.  S. Siemens spoke with Janet Brodziak and the minutes have been forwarded outlining their challenges.  L. Bumphrey and D. Armstrong, the Kinookimaw representatives, were unable to attend this meeting.  There was an emergency in Kinookimaw recently.  The resident called 911 and the dispatcher put her through to the South Shore Responder.  After initial discussion regarding the emergency (broken leg), the South Shore First Responders were unable to provide a Responder to help because there was no Responder available.  They just don’t have the necessary resources.  This is an ongoing challenge South Shore is experiencing.  They do not have enough volunteer First Responders and needs are not being met.  As a Board, we will communicate the urgent need and canvass in Kinookimaw to see if there is anyone in the community interested in becoming a First Responder.  It was agreed by the Board that this needs to be highlighted in the Kinookimaw Kommunicator and perhaps on facebook and the website.


c)  Community Christmas Lights – Last year many Kinookimaw residents participated in the South Shore Sparkle Tour with Regina Beach and Buena Vista.  S. Siemens will promote this fun community building event in the Kinookimaw Kommunicator and add a challenge that the Shaw house is the house to beat.  

M: THAT the KRA new business items be dispatched as recorded.


        M/S: C. Matt/S. Siemens


8. Adjourn & Next Meeting

Next meeting set for January 3, 2022  @ 6:30pm via Zoom




Scott Siemens, President




Carla Matt, Secretary


© 2016 by Kinookimaw Residents Association (KRA). Proudly created with

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