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What is the New Residents Package?


The Kinookimaw Beach Association is the name given to the governing body of the seven First Nations bands which was formed to develop a golf course, campground, and residential lots on Last Mountain Lake Indian Reserve 80A.  A head lease from the Government of Canada was necessary to legalize the leasing of residential lots on an Indian Reserve.  This head lease expires on June 30, 2056 (see History of Kinookimaw).


The Chiefs of each of the seven bands make up the KBA Board of Directors.  The primary objective of the Kinookimaw Beach Association is to operate on a viable profit oriented basis in the short and long term as a means of establishing the Association as a self-sufficient profitable organization.


The KBA Board of Directors appoints a General Manager to administer the affairs of our community.  His role includes approving leases, setting rent, water and service fees, establishing and enforcing bylaws and policies, and handling all other administrative functions.  The current General Manager is Wayne Morris who lives in Punnichy, Saskatchewan.  He works closely with the Kinookimaw Residents Association and the seven bands who appointed him.  A copy of the KBA bylaws is enclosed.


Our annual fees consist of three portions:


• Rent (no property taxes or education taxes are payable).

• Service charges which covers street lighting, road maintenance,
   garbage pickup, etc.

• Water supply and maintenance


The rent portion is reviewed every five years while the service charge and water portions are reviewed annually.  The General Manager mails a notice to each household in January of each year outlining the fees for the coming year.  Prompt payment is encouraged.

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