Present: President Dwayne Redekopp; Vice-President Blaine Campbell; Secretary Dawn Schmidt; Treasurer Carla Koot; Brodi Garbowicz, Daryl Lukan and Lorne Bumphrey.
Regrets: Carla Matt
Call to Order at 7:11 pm.
1. Adoption of Agenda:
M: THAT the Agenda be approved as previously circulated with the addition of website transfer, weed control, tree trimming, surfacing of McNabb and water update.
M/S: B. Campbell/ D. Schmidt
2. Approval of Minutes:
M: THAT the minutes of the May 15, 2024 meeting be approved as circulated.
M/S: D. Redekopp/ D. Lukan
3. Financial Report:
Carla K reported that the current account balance is $6,153.54. There is one outstanding cheque yet to be deposited. To date, there are 30 paid memberships.
M: THAT the Financial Report be accepted as presented.
M/S: D. Redekopp/ B. Garbowicz
4. KRA Officer Elections
General discussion regarding the various officer positions, and organizational protocols.
Daryl Lukan has put his name forward to be on the Executive Committee.
M: THAT, effective June 12, 2024, the KRA Board of Directors will be:
President – Dwayne Redekopp; Vice-President – Daryl Lukan; Treasurer – Carla Koot; Secretary – Dawn Schmidt; Director – Blaine Campbell; Director – Brodi Garbowicz; Director – Carla Matt. All acclaimed.
The current authorized signing officers of Dwayne, Carla and Blaine will remain the same for the 2024/25 year.
5. New Business:
Social Events
Band – Discussion of getting quotes from bands were held. Erin Haliday (Alan Jackson impersonator) is one option. Dwayne is trying to get a hold of them to see if they can perform and the cost of the performance. Brodi mentioned a band that played at the Regina Beach Bar. Committee members should look for entertainment options for events this summer and provide the information back to the Committee for review.
BBQ – Having a BBQ with or without the band is an option. Consideration of July 5 or 19th depending on availability of entertainment.
Wine and Cheese – potential end of summer event for August 23, 2024.
Work around the Community
Lorne will send out an email regarding a work bee for trimming trees in the community.
Hydrant Flushing - planned for Monday, June 17 depending on weather.
Water - No update on tying the water into Regina Beach. Awaiting direction from KBA.
Surfacing on McNabb - The Expression of interest taken at the June 1 2024 AGM showed that there was only 1 no and the remaining votes were yes. Next steps for the KRA Board is to continue discussions with KBA regarding financing, discussion with potential partners, calculation of cost for the work, further communication with residents on costs and voting on the work.
Weed Control - Dina asked if she could spray the park for weeds. The cost will be $100 to complete this work. Dina to provide an invoice for this work.
M: That KBA will pay Dina Dennis $100 to complete the spraying for weeds at the Kinookmaw Park during the summer of 2024.
M/S: D. Redekopp/ C. Koot
Website Transfer
Scott Siemens volunteered to manage the Kinookimaw website. The website renewal is due and will be renewed until June 2026. The cost will be $252.46 US and $77.16 CDN for the domain.
6. Next meeting date
Next regular meeting will be held on July 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm at Blaine’s house.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.
_______________________________ _________________________
Dwayne Redekopp, President Dawn Schmidt, Secretary