Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
September 20, 2023
President Dwayne Redekopp; Secretary Dawn Schmidt; Carla Matt (by Teams) and Brodi Garbowicz; Vice-President Blaine Campbell (absent); Treasurer Carla Koot (absent); and Lorne Bumphrey (absent)
Call to Order at 7:00 pm
1. Adoption of Agenda
M: THAT the Agenda be approved as previously circulated with the addition of AED information and Residents List
M/S: Dwayne R/Brodie G
2. Approval of Minutes
M: That the Minutes of August 23, 2023 be approved as circulated
M/S: Dwayne R/Carla M
3. Financial Report
Carla K was unable to attend the meeting but provided a summary to Dwayne to provide to the committee. He advised that the current account balance is $6,009.01 with $324.45 in outstanding cheques. The total once these cheques are processed will be $5,684.56.
M: That the Financial Report be accepted as presented
M/S: Dwayne R/Brodi G
4. KBA Manager Report - Lorne was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. Dwayne provided updates from Lorne.
a) Path gates and signage: Road repairs and potholes are complete as identified. The 30km/hr sign that was vandalized will be fixed on September 21. There is a dip on Cedar Cresent that needs to be repaired prior to winter.
b) Water system and restrictions: September 9th water restrictions are no longer in effect. Daryl, Jon and Lorne will be trenching the new wiring this fall in order to test the new pump.
5. Bylaw Compliance Report - The outstanding issue was resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
M: THAT the Bylaw Compliance Report be accepted as presented.
M/S: Dwayne R/Brodi G
6. New Business
a) Christmas Party - The Christmas Party is booked for Friday, December 8, 2023. There is a credit available at the hall that will be applied for this date. The credit is from a past cancellation of the hall rental. Dwayne will follow up with Dina to see if she is interested in coordinating the supper.
b) Meeting Schedule - During the winter months, the committee will meet every second month due to the decrease in topics and issues. (ie: September, November, January, March) If there is a need to meet monthly, the committee
will schedule a meeting to discuss the topic(s).
c) Thank you Card - The KRA is in agreement to purchase thank you cards and gift cards for Mike and Stacey from
Hidden Hills Campground. They are more than willing to assist our community with projects by donating their time
and equipment. This is just a small token of our appreciation.
M: THAT the KRA Board purchase 2-thank you cards and 2-$50 gift cards for Mike and Stacey from Hidden Hills Campground.
M/S: Carla M/Dawn S
8. Next Meeting Date
Next meeting to be held on November 22, 2023.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm
Dwayne Redekopp, President
Dawn Schmidt, Secretary