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Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
January 10, 2024


President Dwayne Redekopp; Vice-President Blaine Campbell (by Teams); Treasurer Carla Koot; Secretary Dawn Schmidt; and Brodi Garbowicz (by Teams). 

Regrets: Carla Matt and Lorne Bumphrey

Call to Order at 7:02 pm

1. Adoption of Agenda


M:  THAT the Agenda be approved as previously circulated

       M/S: Dwayne R/Carla K


2. Approval of Minutes


M:  That the Minutes of November 22, 2023 be approved as circulated

       M/S: Dwayne R/Carla K


3.   Financial Report

Carla K reported that the current account balance is $5,552.07 with no outstanding cheques. There was $140 collected at the Christmas supper. 68 members have paid their yearly membership.

M: That the Financial Report be accepted as presented

     M/S: Carla K/Dwayne R


4.  KBA Manager Report 

Lorne did not attend the meeting

5. Bylaw Compliance Report - There have been no issues identified


6. Old Business

a) Christmas Party​ -

The Christmas Party was a huge success. The attendance at the event was great and everyone had a fun evening. A huge thank you goes out to Dina Dennis for coordinating the event. All the special details such as inviting Santa Claus, taking family pictures, making gift bags and having draws were appreciated.

Thank you to Mike Koot for dressing up in the Santa Suit and bringing so much joy to the kids at the event.

The board has tentatively booked the hall for Saturday, December 14, 2024 for next year’s Christmas party. Save the date! The KRA board will be looking for someone to coordinate next year’s Christmas Party as Dina has indicated that this was her last event.

           b) Social Events Coordinator - The KRA board is looking for a Social Events Coordinator. This individual will work with the board to plan and coordinate 2-3 social events per year (ie. Christmas party, Summer BBQ, Games Day in the park, Movie night in the park, etc.) If anyone is interested in this position or to assist with one of these events, please reach out to one of the KRA board members.

         c) KRA Meeting Minutes - Dwayne asked if the meeting minutes have been sent to Lorne to have them posted on the Kinookimaw website as the last minutes were from the 2023 AGM. Dawn indicated that all of the minutes available online were sent to Lorne in November 2023 for posting

8. Next Meeting Date

Next meeting to be held on March 13, 2024.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31 pm


Dwayne Redekopp, President




Dawn Schmidt, Secretary


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