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Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
November 1, 2022 (via Zoom)


President Mike Garbowicz; Vice-President Carla Matt; Treasurer Bruce McDowell; Secretary Scott Siemens; Constance Hourie

Regrets: Randall Adams; Lorne Bumphrey (Community Manager)

Call to Order at 7:46 pm

1. Adoption of Agenda


M:  THAT the Agenda be approved as circulated

       M/S: B. McDowell/S. Siemens


2. Approval of Minutes


M:  That the Minutes of September 15 be approved as circulated

       M/S: S. Siemens/B. McDowell


3.   Financial Report

Bruce presented the Oct 31 YTD Finances showing an account balance of $6519.03 of which $358.83 is KBA residual balance.  KRA’s $1500 commitment to the Park Project has yet to be drawn down but, once completed, we will have a working balance of approx.. $4600.  KRA also has an account receivable with the TRB Hall of $100 (past deposit) and with Hordos Insurance of $900 (premium refund).  Bruce noted only 50% of memberships have been paid YTD

M: That the Financial Report be accepted as presented

     M/S: B. McDowell/S. Siemens


4.  KBA Manager Report - Lorne Bumphrey was unable to attend, his report will be deferred to the next meeting.

5. Bylaw Compliance Report - Nothing to report

6. Current business arising from minutes

a) KRA Bylaws – now codified and in force so this item can be removed from the agenda.

b)  Kinookimaw Community bylaws: Mike will arrange meeting with Wayne Morris in the coming weeks.  This work needs to continue given the sentiments expressed by W.Morris & Chief T.Peigan at the spring meeting.

7. New Business

a)  Kinookimaw Park Committee – Jill unavailable to attend but indicated there is no update at this time.

b)  Social Committee:  Lorne received an email from a resident volunteering to be the summer social event coordinator, but there was some confusion as to the offer, so Mike will connect with Lorne before reaching out to the resident to confirm.

c)  Trail Maintenance:  Mike and Lorne will begin working on a 2023 calendar for various projects (trail clean-up, storage lot maintenance, flowers, park, etc.) so residents can know in advance when a “work bee” is being held.

d)  Mike will raise the prospect of a KRA funded Summer Student with Wayne Morris.  The student would work with Lorne exclusively on maintenance in the Kinookimaw Residental area.

e)  Emergency Plan:  Item deferred until Community Manager available to report.

f)  Christmas Dinner:  Dina Dennis and Terri Tramer have volunteered to coordinate the annual Christmas Dinner event.  KRA will again purchase the turkeys with residents bringing the rest of the meal.  

8. Next Meeting Date

Next meeting December 8, 2022 at 7:30 - via Zoom


Mike Garbowicz, President




Scott Siemens, Secretary


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