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Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
July 19, 2023


President Dwayne Redekopp; Vice-President Blaine Campbell; Treasurer Carla Koot; Secretary Dawn Schmidt; Carla Matt (by phone) and Brodi Garbowicz; and Lorne Bumphrey (for KBA Manager Topic)

Call to Order at 6:59 pm

1. Adoption of Agenda


M:  THAT the Agenda be approved as previously circulated with the addition of AED information and Residents List

       M/S: Dwayne R/Carla K


2. Approval of Minutes


M:  That the Minutes of June 21, 2023 be approved as circulated

       M/S: Dwayne R/Brodie G


3.   Financial Report

Carla K indicated that the signing authority changes have been completed. She also advised that the current account balance is $7,482.03. KRA’s $1500 commitment to the Park Project has yet to be drawn down, but an invoice for the work should be received shortly.  KRA still has a credit of $675.76 with Hordos Insurance after the insurance that was used for the July 7 BBQ. There was $888 received in donations from the BBQ which will be put towards the expenses for the food for the event. Dina Dennis and Jacquie Bumphrey to submit the invoices for the expenses which totaled $724 for reimburement. Carla indicated that 62 members have paid their yearly membership. 

M: That the Financial Report be accepted as presented

     M/S: Blaine C/Dwayne R


4.  KBA Manager Report 

a) Path gates and signageStacey from Hidden Hills delivered the concrete barricades that will be placed at the new extents of the walking path. Lorne is waiting for him to assist in placing the barricades with his skid steer.

b)  West access walking path: This will be completed as part of the path clean up scheduled for July 22 starting at 9:00.

c)  Traffic signage and speed limit: Dan and Lorne started working on installing new stop signs, stop ahead and 50 km speed signs on McNabb Road. The other signs (parking, etc) will be completed as time permits.

d)  Water system and restrictions: No changes. Water restrictions are working and need to remain in place. On July 25, Lorne and Mark will be testing a new pump to see the capacity.

e)  Seasonal Trailer Gate: The gates were donated for the boat/trailer storage space. At this time there are no issues with items being stolen or damaged. Will revisit the installation of the gates in the future if needed.


f)  Work Bee Priorities: Lorne will send out an email to the residents to ask for volunteers for the trail clean up scheduled for July 22. Volunteers to meet at the park and the group will work down the path clearing trees and overhanging branches.

g)  Shoreline Issues: There have been several incidents at the shoreline recently. Residents need to work together with their neighbours and share the shoreline. Bring any major issues up to Lorne if they can not be addressed.

h)  Fire Ban Protocols: Fire ban is still in effect. Lorne works with the Regina Beach Fire Department and reviews the Saskatchewan Fire Rating Map to determine if the ban should be maintained. No changes are anticipated due to the dry weather.

5. Bylaw Compliance Report - There have been no issues identified.

6. Current business arising from minutes

a) Park Report - Carla Koot

No representatives from the Park Committee could attend. No interest has been expressed from the committee members to continue with this work. Future upgrades or items for the park will be handled by the KRA Committee. Waiting for the official quote from Kyle Johnson for the work on the gazebo steps, railing at the top of the stairs at the beach, straightening and painting of the gates and fill on the steps. Carla K to request an official quote for the work.


         b) Intersection Report - Dawn Schmidt

Dawn showed images of the intersection of McNabb Road and Sunset Dr. There are issues with motorist running the stop signs at the intersection. It is difficult for motorist stopped at the sign coming from Hidden Hills to see motorist coming up the hill on Sunset because of the concrete barricades, wooden signs and trees. They should be stopping at the sign, but need to come part way into the intersection before they can clearly see. Asked Lorne to look at the intersections and possibly move the stop sign past the barricades or adjust the barricades so that the view is clear.

7. New Business

a) Park BBQ & Concert – Dwayne discussed the possibility of including an acknowledgment to the organizers of the July 7th event. This would include a thank you to Dina, Jacquie and Todd & Joan Edwards for coordinating and hosting the event, as well as Wayne and KBA for graciously paying for the entertainment.

b)  AED – Dawn showed an image of an AED that was mounted on the outside of public building. The AED was inside a case that was suitable for all weather and was lit. This could be an option for installing an AED in our community. Lorne will look into this option and see if it would work for our situation. 

c)  Resident List – Lorne will send out the latest Resident List to the community members and ask then to update as needed.

8. Next Meeting Date

Next meeting to be held on August 23, 2023.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm


Dwayne Redekopp, President




Dawn Schmidt, Secretary


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