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Kinookimaw Residents Association
Annual General Meeting  - June 18, 2022

 Outdoors - Kinookimaw Park


Scott Siemens, President;  Bruce McDowell, Treasurer;  Mike Garbowicz, Vice-President;  Alison Curtis, A/Secretary            Colin Hanoski, Past-President

Regrets: Carla Matt, Secretary;  Constance Hourie;  Randall Adams

There were XX residents in attendance representing XX households. 


1.  Call to Order at 10:04 am by Scottt Siemens

Members of the KRA Board of Directors and new residents were introduced.

2.  Approval of Agenda


M:  That the Agenda be approved 

       M/S: M. Garbowicz/A.Curtis


3.  Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on June 1, 2019

M:  That the Minutes of September 18, 2021 be approved

       M/S: M. Garbowicz/A. Curtis


4. Compliance Report

Mike reported there had only been 2 complaints this past year, one resolved with the parties, one unresolved with the matter referred to W.Morris who intervened as KBA deemed appropriate.  Mike reviewed the process and answered general questions.  One resident raised a specific issue which was tabled to a more appropriate forum for specific engagement.

5. Finance Report

Bruce presented the financial report as distributed.  General discussion on the need or eligibility of D&O insurance and the Board’s decision not to continue coverage.  Request from membership that the Board conduct further research on this matter and, in the interim, retain coverage until clearer information is secured.  Bruce will inform Insurance Broker of this decision and will ensure D&O remains in place for the time being.

M: That the Treasurer's report be accepted as presented.

       M/S: B. McDowell/M. Garbowicz


6. KBA Manager Report

Lorne Bumphrey updated the community on the items listed in the agenda.  Notable updates:

  • Water flows are drastically improved and seem to be meeting our needs

  • Hydrant flushing was completed on June 15th

  • Roads have been oiled and may be subject to another application as warranted.  No need for additional gravel at this time

  • One-Way on Cedar seems to have helped the traffic flow and congestion, Lorne will add another sign on eastbound Sunset at easterly Cedar

  • Speed signs on McNab – Lorne will be replacing the one that was stolen and adding another at the easterly end of McNab (before the Golf Course)

  • Good relations with HHC&R emerging as they continue to develop their resort.  Questions about increased road & infrastructure - they are contributing to road & community maintenance

  • Fire exit barricade issue has been resolved and is fully open

  • SouthShore Lagoon service is being addressed as primary lagoon liner being repaired.  KBA is the partner in this matter and is involved

  • Garbage collection services remain fully satisfactory, residents are encouraged to “put bins away” for their neighbours who may be away

  • Community trail gate movement will be completed by June 30th to expand shoreline access via the trail by 400 meters to the west.  Some concern raised as to “squatters” at the easterly end of the trail, Lorne will address the matter with the parties

7. Social Committee


Due to health concerns, Randy Kozokewich has just stepped down from the role of Social Coordinator.  President Siemens issued a call for new volunteers which will be further communicated in the next newsletter.  In the interim, any member(s) wishing to plan a community social event are greatly invited to do so.

8. Community Challenges


Scott reported on his meeting with KBA leadership and the challenge surrounding Head Lease renewal.  Scott noted this is a political matter (local and federal) and stated he had contacted our Member of Parliament (no response to date) and others might wish to do likewise.  Issues of water & roads previously addressed by KBA Manager’s report.

9. KRA Nominating Report and Election

Due to questions surrounding D&O Board Insurance, and the need for further research on that matter with reporting to the Membership, a call was made to defer elections and maintain existing board until these questions can be resolved.


M:    THAT the current KRA Board remain fully in place and empowered to act as currently constituted, notwithstanding bylaw provisions regarding electoral requirements, so as to resolve outstanding concerns around Directors & Officers Insurance coverage.  This temporary stay of electoral process extends to July 31st by which time the electoral process will be concluded (possibly by electronic means).


        M/S: S. Hanoski / A.Curtis


10. New and Other Business

  1. Community Park and Beach Development – Jill represented the committee and reported on their work thus far and the fact they have accumulated cash & commitments near $7500.  Thanks to several community members for their considerable donation of time, talent, and resources.  Strong affirmation for plans, including a more permanent type gazebo structure.  General conversation around ongoing development of the Beach area, remaining committee member felt there would not be a need for a second committee as committee members who could contribute more time to beach improvement would consider that part of their original commitment.


  2.  ​Proposed Kinookimaw Beach Committee – tabled per comments in 11.a.


  3.   KRA Bylaw Renewal – Scott presented the thoughts and proposal of the KRA Board.  General affirmation on need to
        update and consideration for amendment to proposal to restrict eligible voters to “one per lease agreement”.


M:  THAT the 30-day notice period for bylaw amendment be waived.


      M/S:  S.Siemens / M.Garbowicz



M:   THAT the 1996 Bylaws of the Kinookimaw Residents Association be amended as proposed subject to a revision of the proposal to limit eligible voters to “one per lease agreement”.


    M/S:  R.Moore / G.Tramer



  4.  Proposed Kinookimaw Community Bylaws – Scott provided an update on the conversation with KBA that gave rise to
       this perceived need for a set of community bylaws and some of the issues they would hope to address.  General                discussion around the fact that any current community discord could also be attributed to KBA’s unwillingness or              inability to enforce lease provisions.  Without real enforcement capacity, any new bylaws may well be limited in                  effectiveness.  Significant discussion on provisions around legalizing use of Golf Carts & ATV’s on community public          roadways.  Varying opinions on matters of legality and insurance.  General sense that bylaw work should continue            and include language around temporary RV accommodation & “port-a-potties” during construction periods.  No                  consensus on whether Golf Cart / ATV issue worth pursuing or not, but Board will take all comments into              
        consideration as they continue to work with KBA.


  5. KRA Board Management – Board members spoke to several issues as outlined in the agenda.  Most notably, the          
      matter of Board D&O insurance generated discussion as noted in agenda item 10.  Board will continue to research
      and communicate their decision.

11. Adjournment

With all agenda items completed, the meeting was concluded at 12:02pm




Scott Siemens, President




A. Curtis, A/Secretary


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