Submitted on behalf of the Board of Directors
On behalf of your Kinookimaw Residents Association (KRA) Board which consists of: Dwayne
Redekopp - President, Blaine Campbell - Vice President, Carla Koots -Treasurer, Dawn Schmidt -
Secretary, Carla Matt - Director, and Brodi Garbowicz - Director I would like to say hello and thank
you for being good neighbors. Through your volunteering and being kind neighbors life in
Kinookimaw is way more enjoyable and fun.
The KRA Board is to be the liaison between individual residents and our landlord the
Kinookimaw Beach Association (KBA). Local representation of KBA is Lorne Bumphrey (KBA
Operations & Maintenance Manager). Band representatives are Wayne Morris and Chief Todd
Peigan (Chair). The Board would like to thank the KBA for being good landlords and especially
Lorne for the work that he does in the community.
Regarding your KRA Board we are looking to add 2 or 3 more members. Last year because of
circumstances a whole new Board was elected meaning that our terms will all expire at the
same time. To avoid the scenario of last year please consider stepping forward to join the
Board, serve your community and assist us in staggering our expiring terms.
Being a “Member in good standing” of the KRA involves the payment of the annual $20 fee. This
year we had 69 paid memberships out of a possible 105.
This past year expenditures included: spraying of the Park by Buzz Boss, the very successful
Barbecue and Concert in the Park and the best attended and festive Christmas dinner. Thank
you to each and every volunteer who made each of these events so successful and fun to
In regard to social events your Board is still looking for an Event Coordinator or at least people
who are interested and willing to help out at an event. As a Board we don’t know if no volunteers
plus no ideas indicates that there is no interest in having socials.
This Board like previous boards were faced with the same glaring problems being: Water,
Roads and expiring Master Lease. We are currently working on the water and roads issues and
will have more information to share at the AGM. Regarding the Master Lease after having
discussions with Wayne Morris, it would appear that this is more of a political issue and beyond
our direct influence. I’m aware of efforts by individual members having conversations with our
local political representative and not receiving any follow up.
Two other problems that keep coming up are: off leash dogs and shoreline issues. These topics
are dealt with in the Bylaws that we all have access to on so please be a good
neighbor and comply.
Presently we are not under a Fire Ban (May 19/24) but that can change quickly. Please adhere
to directions as put forward by Lorne. On a side note, this is a reminder to residents to ensure
that your Home Insurance Policy includes Voluntary Fire Coverage should you have the
misfortune of having a fire on your property.
Another issue is the use and misuse of the seasonal trailer parking lot supplied by KBA. The
guidelines are on the website but in a nutshell, there is a limit of one trailer per residence and
your name and phone number must be affixed to the trailer. Please comply.
Life at the Lake, especially in Kinookimaw, can be extremely enjoyable but it does come with its
challenges. Your Board can’t possibly please everyone, but we strive to make our community a
great place to live by working with the residents, our neighbouring communities and of course
our landlord, KBA.
Have a great summer and please consider volunteering for the Board and/or participating in the
organizing of a social event for the community.
Respectfully Submitted
Dwayne Redekopp, President
Your Board of Directors
Dwayne Redekopp,
Blaine Campbell,
Carla Koots,
Dawn Schmidt
Carla Matt
Brodi Garbowicz
Daryl Lukan