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President Dwayne Redekopp; Secretary Dawn Schmidt; Brodi Garbowicz, Daryl Lukan, Carla Matt and Lorne Bumphrey

Regrets: Vice-President Blaine Campbell; Treasurer Carla Koot;

Call to Order at 6:51 pm

1. Adoption of Agenda


M:    THAT the Agenda be approved as circulated with the addition of Bylaw Compliance Report and South Shore First            Responders Delegate.


M/S: Dwayne Redekopp/ Daryl Lukan


2. Approval of Minutes


M:      THAT the minutes of the July 10, 2024 meeting be approved as circulated with the addition of Carla Matt being                 added to attendees.

M/S:  Dwayne Redekopp/ Carla Matt


3.   Financial Report

Carla K was unable to attend so no Financial Report was given. 

4.  KBA Manager Report 

a.    Path gates and signage
•    The west concrete barricades are in place on the path past the last beach spot. A third barricade could be installed to stop any vehicles from driving on the path.
•    The Stop sign at the Cree and Sunset has been stolen. If someone has moved it, please return it to Lorne so that it can be installed.

b.    Water system and restrictions
•    The cleaning of the screens in the well was not completed on August 13th due to the recent rains. The field where the pumps are located was too wet to drive in. This work will be completed the week of August 19, 2024.
•    KBA continues to have discussions with the Town of Regina Beach regarding tying into their water supply.

c.    Other items
•    The trees at Sunset and Dogwood make it difficult for motorists turning onto Dogwood to see southbound traffic on Sunset. These trees will be trimmed to make it easier for this turning movement.
•    There more travel trailers being parked on lots in Kinookimaw. The lease agreement places restrictions on travel trailers on lots and must be adhered to.

5. Bylaw Compliance Report - There are no complaints to report.

Carla Matt asked about the current process for reporting bylaw conflicts. She will report back on a recommended change to the current process for the board to review.


6. BBQ & Concert Discussion


There are currently 141 individuals attending the BBQ. There will likely be others attending the event that have not responded.  Daryl will purchase the food this week. A list of food was made for him to get. The list will be recorded for future events in the community.

The BBQ will start at 5:30, so helpers should be there around 4:45 to assist. 5 tables are needed for food and supplies, and the utensils will be collected from the bins in the shed.

​​7.  New Business

a)    South Shore First Responders Delegate – Diane Armstrong has resigned from the committee. Kinookimaw needs to find a replacement for her. Carla M. said that she may know of someone that could possibly join the committee. Carla will report back.  It appears that the committee meets quarterly, so it is not a big commitment from the volunteer.

b)    Condition of Cedar Cresent Corner – Carla Matt brought up a complaint from individuals that live on Cedar Cresent, about the condition of the corner.  No solutions were determined at the meeting, however the board will continue looking into potential options and will entertain possible repair options provided to the board.

c)    Board Meetings – Carla asked if members of the community can attend KRA meetings. Dwayne will look into this and let Carla know.

d)    Pumps from the Lake – many residents are looking at installing pumps in the lake for watering lawns and yards. Residents should consider discussing the installations with their neighbours to potentially share the costs. Carla asked if there are any subsidies for installing these pumps as they will assist in reducing the water use in the community. Lorne to look into this.

e)    Reminder that the Christmas party will be on December 14, 2024 at the Regina Beach Hall.

​8. Next Meeting Date


Next meeting to prepare for the AGM will be held on October 9, 2024

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm


Dwayne Redekopp, President




Dawn Schmidt, Secretary


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