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Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
April 10, 2022


Scott Siemens, President; Mike Garbowicz, Vice-President; Bruce McDowell, Treasurer;   Constance Hourie, Randall Adams


(Ex-Officio) Lorne Bumphrey (Building & Maintenance Manager)

Regrets: Carla Matt, Secretary;  Allison Curtis

Call to Order at 5:05 pm

1. Approval of the Agenda


M:  That the Agenda be approved as circulated

       M/S: B. McDowell/R. Adams


2.  Adoption of Minutes


M: THAT the minutes of March 24, 2022 be approved as circulated.


     M/S: M. Garbowicz/R. Adams


3.   Financial Report

Treasurer B. McDowell last provided an update on March 24, no new information.

4.  KBA Manager's Report

a)  West path gate: will be moved further west. It will be installed beyond the furthest current dock at a location to deter unwanted vehicular traffic on the trail.

b)  Road signage: to be erected Eastbound McNab with 60km/h. Replace the stolen 60km/h sign after 4th Ave on McNab. All road signs to be positioned a 8’ above grade at sign center.

c)  Road Maintenance: grading will commence April 11th for McNab and the community roads.

d)  Hidden Hills Campground: completion ongoing, Lorne will continue to liaise. Signage that KRA will install at entrance indicating private property, (ie: No Trespassing) shall be erected once Hidden Hills has installed gate device at the upper stop sign on McNab.

e)  Water usage: March/April = 3400g/day. Golf course is using about 10% of the total draw. Mike asked about well maintenance and screen cleaning, Lorne advised that the plan is to do this annually. Lorne assured the well is performing properly now. Furthermore, Lorne advised that 1 pump is currently not functioning and should be repaired in the coming days. Mike asks if electrical upgrade is possible to allow 2 pumps simultaneously without tripping the breaker and if it could be worked into a possible upgrade.

f)  Trailer compound: Scott, Mike, Bruce, and Lorne walked the compound prior to the meeting after Scott received permission from KBA Chief Piegan and Wayne Morris to expand area. It was determined that the tree line can be pushed North towards Piapot drive and East towards Regina Beach. This will keep the compound surrounded by trees and increase the capacity between 50-100%. Lorne will send out notice to have all property stored in the compound removed by May 1. Any trailer remaining will be towed. The goal will be to conduct the brush clearing, stump removal and some leveling within a week. Lorne will coordinate with Hidden Hills maintenance to request assistance in grading.


g)  Walking Path signage: waiting on information from elders on history for area on new trail signage being installed by Stephanie Caswell (TRB parks and rec coordinator).

5. Bylaw Compliance Committee

a) Scott reported for the committee on the most recent complaint. The matter was discussed with the complainant and respondent. Core issue of the complaint has already been addressed by KBA so no further remediation necessary other than some ancillary issued relative to electrical code. Secondary issue of water diversion has already been remedied but only temporarily as a longer-term solution is required. KRA has approved the longer- term solution and Lorne will engage the resident to work together on a solution that meets everyone’s needs. Complaint now considered resolved and Committee will report to the parties.

6. Current Business arising from minutes

a) Head/Sub Lease renewal – S. Siemens met with Wayne Morris and Chief Piegan regarding both Head / Sub Lease renewal and water storage capacity. On the issue of head lease extension, the Government of Canada opened the door for Standing Buffalo FN to be added to the current KBA ownership group but left it to be decided by the KBA consortium. This will be ongoing and is a matter of politics and timing. Chief Piegan wants to get this resolved as he recognizes the resolution is beneficial for all parties. KBA cannot continue with capital projects and residents will see a negative impact on the property values after we get below 30 years of headlease time remaining. When asked if there was anything Residents could do to support or motivate early resolution, no ideas were forthcoming other than individuals contacting their MP’s and Natural Resources Canada / Indigenous Affairs Canada to encourage the Government of Canada to at least consider interim measure Head Lease extensions while negotiations are ongoing with the various parties.

b) Water storage capacity – Chief Piegan has indicated that a 30,000 gallon tank can be purchased and installed for $34 000. He inquired if a resident contribution would be possible to which Scott responded that might be possible if assurances were in place that the desired actions were in place or imminent. Scott again proposed the lease and use of the old TRB water tank but Chief Piegan was hesitant suggesting “if it wasn’t any good for TRB, why would we want to take that on ?”. Lorne will talk to Al at TRB about the tank to determine viability. If a zero-cost acquisition were an option, the cost of trenching vs. new tank installation could be equivalent.

c) KRA Bylaws: Brief review of KRA bylaw revision proposal tempered by new question of ongoing viability of a formal KRA given reality of insurance costs consuming nearly all of our current annual revenue. Decision to bring full information to the 2022 AGM for the community to decide how it wishes to proceed. If decision is to continue as a formal entity, bylaw revisions will be worked on further for adoption in 2023. If decision is to wind-up KRA, no revisions necessary.

d) Community of Kinookimaw Bylaws: KBA recognizing some discord in our community and is concerned. KBA supports the creation of community bylaws to provide community standards and expectations and welcomes some new enforcement options other than lease termination (currently only course of action for enforcement). On reviewing the current working draft, Bruce inquired about potential liability of golf carts on our roads if allowed in the Bylaws. Mike responded that if our bylaw authorizes it, they are subject to provisions of the Traffic Safety Act and no new liability attaches to the community or KRA Directors. Scott noted that the Town of Shell Lake is a good example of bylaws to draw from and suggests the topic is parked until AGM discernment on our future role. Mike suggests that since a draft has been created, could the KRA further revise this to have a proposal at the AGM. All Directors will review the current draft and provide feedback to Scott for an AGM proposed review.

7.  New Business


a)  Randy K agreed to organize community social events and advised Scott that 4 events are currently planned this season. He suggested 50/50 draws or other raffles instead of charging a fee to cover special event insurance. This will be discussed at AGM along with possibility of increasing the $20 fee that has been unchanged since KRA inception when considering the future viability of a KRA and what residents are looking for.

b) AGM – discussion concludes no concrete date, but a target of late June and in the park. Mike will consult with Park committee to determine if they have any work planned so we don’t create a conflict. The only Director requiring re-election is Mike Garbowicz, Mike indicates he is willing to run for a second term.

M:    THAT the KRA new business items be dispatched as recorded.


            M/S:    A. Hourie/ S. Siemens

8. Adjourn & Next Meeting

Next meeting set for May 9, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - location to be determined. (525 Sunset as default) Zoom connection will be available for those who wish




Scott Siemens, President




Carla Matt, Secretary


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