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Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
February 26, 2023 (via Zoom)


President Mike Garbowicz; Treasurer Bruce McDowell; Secretary Scott Siemens; Lorne Bumphrey (KBA Manager)

Regrets: Vice-President Carla Matt; Randall Adams; Constance Hourie

Call to Order at 6:35 pm

1. Adoption of Agenda


M:  THAT the Agenda be approved as circulated

       M/S: B. McDowell/S. Siemens


2. Approval of Minutes


M:  That the Minutes of January 9,2023 be approved as circulated

       M/S: S. Siemens/B. McDowell


3.   Financial Report

Bruce presented the Dec 31 YTD Finances showing an account balance of $6320.46 of which $358.83 is KBA residual balance.  KRA’s $1500 commitment to the Park Project has yet to be drawn down but, once completed, we will have a working balance of approx. $4500.  KRA also has an account receivable with Hordos Insurance of approx. $800 (premium refund).  Bruce noted 60% of memberships have been paid YTD.

M: That the Financial Report be accepted as presented

     M/S: B. McDowell/S. Siemens


4.  KBA Manager Report - Lorne reported on all agenda items as follows:

​a)  Path gates & signage will be addressed in spring;

b)  West Access walking path will be addressed in spring;

c)  IMUC & First Responders – no meetings and it’s been very difficult attempting to meet with the new CAO of TRB

d)  Traffic signage – Lorne has ordered 4 new stop signs to replace those that have been destroyed on McNab and to add one on Sunset (WB) & Cree Crossing.  Additional 60KMPH signage will be re-installed on McNab in spring;

e)  Road maintenance – good reports from community on the snow clearing.  Lorne intends to add gravel this year in addition to the regular oiling;

f)  HHC&R – 15 more spots sold so the campground is filling up with associated impacts on roadways and community.  All agreed HHC&R have become an excellent neighbour and we want to grow that relationship;

g)  Water system working well over the winter with usage appropriate for the season.  In spring, Lorne will again check the pump screens and clean as necessary;

h)  Gates for the seasonal trailer compound will be installed in spring;

i)  Emergency / Evacuation plan is being completed and should be ready for the Board and 1st Responders within a month;

j)  Lorne described his emerging new role where all matters related to KBA come to him rather than Wayne Morris.  They are working out what this looks like in a practical sense and Lorne will keep communicating to the Board and Community as the new realities become confirmed.

M: That the KBA's Manager Report be accepted as presented

     M/S: B. McDowell/S. Siemens


5. Bylaw Compliance Report - Mike reported the previous matter seems to have been addressed by the parties.  No action required.

6. Current business arising from minutes

a) Kinookimaw Community bylaws: Given the change in leadership that has Lorne in a more senior role, Mike will be working with Lorne to address Wayne in the coming weeks.  This work needs to continue given the sentiments expressed by W.Morris & Chief T.Peigan at the spring meeting and for the overall benefit of the community.

7. New Business

a)  Kinookimaw Park Committee – Jill was unable to attend but provided the following email report:  “We believe out committee should continue for one more spring and summer season at the least. We still have $800 to spend plus $1500 from KRA that we have not touched. I believe we have some fine tuning to do. We will call a meeting in the spring so we can organize and budget for our remaining work.” 

b)  Social Committee:  No volunteer(s) to date.  Mike suggested the Board take on the leadership role and then solicit “helpers” as needed on specific events.  The Board agreed and will begin calendar planning at the next meeting.  Currently the decision is to have a BBQ in conjunction with the AGM (see item 7.e) as a “season starter”.

c)  Trail Maintenance:  Mike and Lorne will work on a 2023 calendar for various projects (trail clean-up, storage lot maintenance, flowers, park, etc.) so residents can know in advance when a “work bee” is being held.

d)  Mike raised the prospect of a KRA funded Summer Student with Wayne Morris.  Wayne was warm to the idea, but arrangements could not be made to meet the 2023 program year deadline.  Proposal to come to the 2023 AGM so Mike can engage with Wayne earlier in the process for 2024 projects.

e)  AGM – the Board agreed to hold our 2023 AGM on May 27th at 9:00 am in the Kinookimaw Park (in someone’s garage if inclement weather).  Only Mike Garbowicz is not up for election.  Randall Adams will not be running for a 2nd term.  Scott Siemens will not be running for a 3rd term.  Mike will reach out to each of the other Directors to determine if they are willing to let their names stand for re-election (Constance & Carla for a 2nd term, Bruce for a 3rd and final term).

8. Next Meeting Date

Next meeting March 26, 2023 at 6:30pm - via Zoom

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm


Mike Garbowicz, President




Scott Siemens, Secretary


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