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Meeting June 21, 2021
 513 Sunset Drive


Stan Hanoski( Vice-President), Daryl Lukan, Bruce McDowell (Treasurer), Scott Siemens, Mike Garbowicz

Regrets: Colin Hanoski

1.  Call to Order at 6:30 pm

2.  Approval of Agenda


M:  That the Agenda be approved as circulated with the addition of an item relating to a request for enhanced trail    

       M/S: D. Lukan/B. McDowell


3.  Adoption of Minutes


M:  That the Minutes of June 5, 2021 be approved as circulated

       M/S: D. Lukan/M. Garbowicz


4.   Financial Report - N/A


5  KRA Report


Lorne provided the following updates:

  • Water update – looks like cleaning the screens has helped, wells are now producing 25gpm.  Desired is about 33gpm.  Now that wells are producing, we might be able to do our spring hydrant flushing.  Longer term, we still need to consider how we can gain additional storage capacity – ideally, the TRB decommissioned reservoir is the solution.

  • Road update (Grading, Gravel & Dust Proofing) – Lorne will speak with Wayne about doing another grade & dustproof.  He will also consider a test of using “reclaimed asphalt” on a portion of McNab.  Lorne is considering how we might create some traffic diversion to increase safety at the McNab – Sunset intersection.  Lorne will put up two 60KM speed limit signs for westward traffic.

  • One way Cedar Crescent – Signs have been ordered and expected to be installed next week.

  • Shoreline - request for space – As indicated by Wayne the shoreline policy Board recommendation of August 2020 has been received but will be put on the back burner until later this season.  No update

  • IMUC – No update since last meeting

  • Park – Play structure now erected

  • Park – Carla Matt has offered to cut the grass

  • Park – Stairs have been sourced, installation will require a large skid-steer and Lorne hopes to have them installed in early July.

  • Use of reclaimed asphalt.  Lorne will try to find a few places where this can be tested (see item re: Roads).

  • Request for Easement access between Rick Armstrong and Dan Dennis.  Request has been given to Wayne Morris.  No response to date.

M:  THAT  the KBA report be accepted as presented

       M/S: D. Lukan/M. Garbowicz


6.  Unfinished/Old Business


  • Trailer Storage and annual clean up, & restrictions:  Reviewed policy.  One trailer was identified as being non-compliant.  Lorne spoke with the owner who was unreceptive to addressing the matter.  The Bylaw Compliance Committee will  now be engaged to address the matter.  Scott & Mike will convene.


  • Revenue collection from “squatters” on the shoreline.  KBA has acknowledged this is an issue and a matter for them to address.  Wayne Morris has engaged a surveyor to establish specific lots within the space from TRB Center St. to the Kinookimaw community eastern boundary.  The goal will be to establish a rental structure for persons interested in accessing that shoreline area.


  • Annual Meeting:  Confirmation received from Community Hall for September 18th.  This has already been paid from prior year operations.


  • Community Communication remains stalled due to email address accessibility.  Stan is personally reaching out to all households where an address is not available to him and hopes to have a Community Communication piece out by the end of June.

M:  THAT the KRA old business items be dispatched as recorded

      M/S: S. Siemens/M. Garbowicz


7.  New Business

  • Signage required on Cedar re: parking restrictions in front of fire hydrant, and general maintenance for some tree-trimming around Cedar Cr. fire hydrant.  Lorne to work at some “Tow-away Zone” signage

  • Potential resurrection of the Kinookimaw Campground remains an ongoing discussion with interested parties.  Lorne is not at liberty to identify parties, but believes this is a serious consideration.  As previously discussed with Wayne Morris, once a decision has been made regarding the campground this may have an indirect effect on the traffic in the hills, increased McNab traffic, water use, etc..  KBA has put some parameters on the proposal in that regard and are meeting on June 29th to continue approval discussions.


M:  THAT the KRA new business items be dispatched as recorded

      M/S: S. Siemens/M. Garbowicz


8.  Adjourn & Next Meeting

M: The next meeting is scheduled for July, 2021 @ 6:30 pm.    




Stan Hanoski, Vice- President




Scott Siemens, Secretary


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