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President Dwayne Redekopp; Secretary Dawn Schmidt; Brodi Garbowicz, and Lorne Bumphrey.

Regrets: Vice-President Blaine Campbell; Treasurer Carla Koot; and Carla Matt.

Call to Order at 7:07 pm

1. Adoption of Agenda


M:             THAT the Agenda be approved as previously circulated.

                  M/S: Dwayne Redekopp/ Brodi Garbowicz


2. Approval of Minutes


M:             THAT the minutes of the April 17, 2024 meeting be approved and circulated with the change to the Snow Removal                   Section of “The roads were cleared within a couple of days which is reasonable for motorists”.


M/S: Dwayne Redekopp/ Dawn Schmidt


3.   Financial Report

Carla K sent a report that the current account balance is $5,553.45.  Carla has set up a new email address for the annual resident’s fees to be sent to. It is   Dawn to confirm with Carla how the e-transfers will work and any information that needs to be added when sending the fees.

M:               THAT the Financial Report be accepted as presented.

M/S: Dwayne Redekopp/ Brodi Garbowicz


4.  KBA Manager Report 

Water system and restrictions

The water supply has been good to date and with both pumps keeping up.

Discussions are underway with the Town of Regina Beach regarding tapping into their water system.

Lorne will look into cleaning the filters on the pumps this summer if needed.


Road Update

Discussions are underway on improving the condition of McNabb Road.

Look at options for improving the east end corner of Cedar Crescent. Repair the washout with something that will move the water across the road.

5. Bylaw Compliance Report - One phone call was received by the Bylaw Compliance Committee. The concern was regarding a shoreline issue, but the committee did not hear back from the resident to issue an official complaint. Therefore, no official complaints were received.


6. New Business

a) AGM Meeting

The agenda will be developed and reflect a similar outline to last year. Outstanding items for the KBA Manager will be included for discussion.

A reminder of the meeting will be sent out again by Lorne that includes the date and time.

​b) Buzz Boss

The booking for the park spraying will be scheduled for within the next few weeks.

C) Upcoming Summer Events

Discussions will continue regarding the events for this summer. This topic will be brought up at the AGM in June and ask for volunteers to assist with events this summer.


A trail clean up will be scheduled in July. A date will be determined after the AGM and communicated to the community for assistance.

​7. Next Meeting Date


Next meeting to prepare for the AGM will be held on May 30, 2024 at 6:30 pm.

Next regular meeting will be held on June 12, 2024 at 7:00 pm (Both meetings will be held at Dawn’s house).

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm


Dwayne Redekopp, President




Dawn Schmidt, Secretary


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