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Kinookimaw Residents Association
Annual General Meeting  - June 1, 2024

 Kinookimaw Park


Dwayne Redekopp, President         Blaine Campbell, Vice President
Carla Koot, Treasurer                       Dawn Schmidt, Secretary
Brodi Garbowicz                               Carla Matt


There were 38 residents in attendance. 


1.  Call to Order at 9:32 am by Dwayne Redekopp

Welcome and Introduction of the current KRA Board of Directors.

2.  Welcome & Introduction of current KRA Board of Directors


3.  Approval of Agenda


M:  THAT, the Agenda be approved as circulated with the addition of Leases and Golf Carts.

M/S:  D. Redekopp/B. Garbowicz


4.  Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

M:  THAT, the Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting be approved as circulated.

M/S:  C. Koot/ B. Campbell


5. President's Report - issued by email on May 25, 2024 and available on the President's Report Webpage


M:  THAT, the President’s Report be accepted as circulated.

M/S:  B. Campbell/ D. Schmidt


6. Compliance Report

Scott Siemens reported that there were no formal complaints this past year. There were four complaints (2 dog off lease and 2 shoreline). The committee asks community members to work with their neighbours on issues and encourage everyone to discuss and work through the concerns. Also, a reminder that no one owns the shoreline and make room for your neighbours. Pets are required to be on leash according to your lease agreement. These are terms that you agreed to as part of your lease.


The Committee includes Scott Siemens, Rowe Dennis and Mike Garbowicz. Rowe is leaving the community, so an additional board member would be appreciated. Please consider this opportunity and contact Scott if interested.

7. Finance Report

The report was emailed the KRA members on May 25, 2024 with the Financial Statement available under the President's report webpage.


Discussion on plans for the funds that are currently available. There are no immediate plans for the funds besides any community events for this summer. There is value in having some funds available in the account if required to accommodate any future needs in the community (park work, community entrance, community beach, etc.)


The BBQ and Concert last year was funded by KRA, donations and KBA. Lorne Bumphrey paid for the concert but was fully reimbursed for his expenses by KBA.


M:  THAT, the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented.

M/S:  B. Garbowicz / D. Schmidt


8. KBA Manager Report

L. Bumphrey, Community Manager, updated residents on the items listed in the agenda.  Notable updates:

A).    Water system performance update, expansion plans, water limitations, flushing waterlines, and acceptable use provisions.  As reviewed at past AGMs, the water system is over 40 years old and was originally created for approximately 40 residents. KBA has been in conversations with the Town of Regina Beach regarding Kinookimaw having a direct tie into their water supply. The Town of Regina Beach has a large water supply and would be capable of us joining their chlorinated water source. Once we hear more from KBA regarding the outcome of these discussions, information will be shared on the decision. This same initiative was initiated in 2015 but was not pursued by KBA.

A new water system would likely be a cash call or would have to be paid back through utility bills. It would be an investment for community members on their properties.


Meeting attendees discussed the installation of water meters at each resident, that the current system could not be combined with the Regina Beach water system, and that the current system could be used for fire suppression.

The current pumps are hanging on, but residents need to aware of the water used as our current system has a hard time keeping up, especially on the weekend.  The community fire hydrants will be flushed the week of June 10, 2024.


B).    Roadway maintenance and signs

Road maintenance is ongoing and will be completed as needed. Dust proofing is planned for the week of June 10th , weather permitting.


Discussion on the paving of McNabb from the intersection of Highway 54 and Centre Street to the stop sign at McNabb and Sunset. KBA would like to consider the surfacing of this 1.3 km section of road. The estimate received from Site Management was $340,600 plus tax. Depending on the potential partners (Golf Course, Hidden Hills Campground and Town of Regina Beach), the remaining cost would be split between each lease holder. Each attendee of the AGM is asked to submit an Expression of Interest vote to see if they are wanting the idea of this paving pursued. If the consensus is yes, a committee will be created to continue gathering information on the idea, speak to the potential partners, discuss with KBA, and then bring the information back to the community.


A question was asked if traffic counts could be done to determine an appropriate split of the costs. This will be considered as part of the analysis.


Yield Sign at Cree Cross – Lorne asked attendees about changing the yield sign at Sunset and Cree Cross to a stop sign. This will be changed in the near future.  Signs in the community need to be raised to the proper height. Many are currently too low.  A work bee can be organized to raise the road signs. Lorne to advise when a time would work for him to do this.


C).    IMUC and South Shore Fire Responders/AED Location

South Shore Responders are looking for volunteers. If you are interested, let Lorne know.  There is currently an AED at Karst’s house (in Kinookimaw), at the Golf Course and in Regina Beach. If we want another one in our community, we will need to find a place that it can be electrified and where it is accessible to the community members. Lorne to look into whether an AED could be located at the park.

D).    Fire Bans

Lorne follows the website for fire safety and changes the signs at the community entrance accordingly.

E).    Garbage Collection

Garbage pickup is every Monday morning in the summer and the changes to every two weeks in the winter.

F).    Tree trimming over roads, dead trees in park, cleaning front entrance.

There are many trees that are hanging over the roads in the community. These can be trimmed to improve site lines and not scrape vehicles that are traveling on the roads. A work bee can be organized to trim the trees along the roads. Lorne to advise when a time would work for him to do this.  Russ McIvor will come and remove the dead trees at the park when he is available.


Soil has been placed at the top of Sunset where the trees were removed. The dead tree stumps and garbage will be removed prior to grass being seeded.


Consideration should be given to removing some of the trees on the west side of this intersection to improve the site lines to the west. Moving the wooden signs on the barricades to the south side of McNabb will also improvement the clutter at the intersection.


G).    Procedure for requesting work to be done.
Please call or message Lorne for any work that needs to be done in the community.


H).    Other items
Jacquie Bumphrey does not want to continue managing the KRA website. If anyone is interested, please reach out to Lorne.
The fire pit at the community beach should be removed as it is not looked after properly.

Gates on the trail still need to be moved. Lorne and Blaine will move the blocks within the next few weeks.
An idea of a community forum to track and identify things that need to be done in the community. More discussion on the this is needed.


9.  Community Social Events


Community members were asked if they wanted social events organized.  Last years events were very well attended and the KRA Board is wondering if we should continue organizing these events. Are there members of the community that would assist with the events? Ideas of BBQ, Wine and Cheese, Christmas party, Golf Tournament, Alan Jackson Impersonator, etc.

The consensus was that members would like events planned for this summer. The KRA Board will continue discussions on events to plan for this coming year.


10. KRA Board Elections

With most of the new members joining last year, it would be great to have a few additional members join the Board so that the entire board does not expire at the same time.

The board meets monthly spring to fall and then meet via zoom in the winter depending on availability of members.


Daryl Lukan will volunteer to join the board.

11. New, Continuing and Other Business

a.    Kinookimaw Park Committee – this board is disbanded and any ideas for the park should be brought forward to the KRA Board.

b.    Kinookimaw Community Bylaws – no changes to the bylaws at this time.

c.    Leases – No progress was made in the past year in extending the Master Lease. There were conversations with our local politician and no response was ever received from him or his office. This issue will continue to be pursued by KBA and KRA. Individual residents are encouraged to contact our local politician with their concerns.

d.    Golf Carts – Drivers of golf carts should be legal driving age. Kids should not be driving golf carts in our community. The Bylaw that was approved in Regina Beach does not apply in Kinookimaw and on McNabb.  Dwayne will make an inquiry with SGI to see if they would consider having this law apply in our community. If we can comply and get insurance for the golf carts that would be great.

12. Adjournment

With all agenda items completed, the meeting was adjourned.



Dwayne Redekopp - President




Dawn Schmidt - Secretary


© 2016 by Kinookimaw Residents Association (KRA). Proudly created with

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