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President Dwayne Redekopp; Treasurer Carla Koot; Secretary Dawn Schmidt; Brodi Garbowicz (attendance made available virtually), and Lorne Bumphrey


Regrets: Vice-President Daryl Lukan; Blaine Campbell, and Carla Matt


Call to Order at 6:37 pm


1. Adoption of Agenda


M:    THAT the Agenda be approved as circulated.


M/S: Dwayne Redekopp/ Carla Koot


​2. Approval of Minutes


M:      THAT the minutes of the August 14, 2024 meeting be approved as circulated.

M/S:  Carla Koot / Dwayne Redekopp


​3. Business Arising from Minutes


a. Travel Trailers

After reviewing the lease and bylaws, travel trailers are not dealt with in these documents. The board will leave this issue for KBA to manage.


b. Visitors to Board Meetings

M:      THAT Community members who wish to attend and make a presentation to the board, must reach out to the board 2 weeks prior to the next regular meeting. The individual will be given a designated time on the agenda to attend the meeting.


M/S: D. Redekopp / Carla Koot


c. Cedar Cres. Corner

Discussions were held with 4 residents along Cedar Crescent about the road condition at the corner. These residents indicated that they had no concerns with the condition and felt that any repair may make it worse for residents near the corner.  This concern will be closed unless someone comes forward.


d. South Sore First Responders Delegate

A replacement has not been found.  An email will be sent out to find a replacement from Kinookimaw on the First Responders.


e. Trail Barricade

The barricades have been moved closer together at the west trail end to avoid motor vehicles driving through.


f. BBQ & Concert

The attendance at the BBQ and Munro & Patrick concert in the park was great. 137 people attended the BBQ.


4. Financial Report


Carla K reported that the current account balance is $4,361.09. There is one outstanding cheque that needs to go through the account. To date, there are 50 paid memberships.


M:      THAT the Financial Report be accepted as presented.


M/S: D. Redekopp/ D. Schmidt



5.  KBA Manager Report 


a. Water system and restrictions

No update on the water system. Discussions being held with the Town of Regina Beach and options for testing of the current water system.


b. Tree Trimming

Tree trimming at Cree Crossing is completed. Tree branches will be mulched as trimmed. Lorne to send out an email for a work bee to complete the remaining tree trimming.


c. Pump Subsidies

No pump subsidies are available at this time.


6. Bylaw Compliance Report

There have been no issues identified.  After further discussion, the review of the bylaw conflict process will be left as is.​


​​7.  New Business


a. Christmas Party – December 14

Dina Dennis has indicated that she will not be organizing the Christmas party this coming year. Dina will pass along past event items to the board. Carla Koot and Dawn Schmidt will take over coordination of the event for December 14, 2024.


b. Anonymous Submissions

Community members that have concerns for the board to hear and discuss, need to approach a board member or bring the topic forward prior to the next board meeting for discussion. The board will not entertain topics without a community member’s name associated with it.


c. Wooden Guardrails

During the grading of the curve to improve the drainage, the wood guardrail post was removed. A cable will be installed between the two posts to close up the space.


d. Website Handover

The website still needs to be handed over to Scott Siemens. The transition will be completed by the end of the week.  Once Scott has access, Dawn will send all the approved minutes since the 2024 AGM to Scott for posting.


​8. Next Meeting Date


Next meeting to be held on December 4, 2024 at 6:30 at Carla Koot's.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.



Dwayne Redekopp, President




Dawn Schmidt, Secretary



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