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Kinookimaw Residents Association
Annual General Meeting  - June 10, 2023

 Regina Beach Memorial Hall



Scott Siemens, Acting President;  Bruce McDowell, Treasurer; Carla Matt, Acting Secretary


Regrets: Constance Hourie;  Randall Adams


There were 35 residents in attendance. 


1.  Call to Order at 9:32 am by Scottt Siemens


Welcome and Introduction of the current KRA Board of Directors.


2.  Approval of Agenda


M:  That the Agenda be approved 

       M/S: S. Siemens/C. Matt



3.  Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting


A question was raised about Lease updates.  S. Siemens explained that our prior President, Mike Garbowicz had been in conversation with Chief Peigan and W. Morris, however, there was nothing new to report.  The in-coming Board will continue to seek information and provide an update when available.


M:  That the Minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting be approved as circulated


       M/S: S. Siemens/C.Matt



4. President's Report - not available due to President Garbowicz's departure



5. Compliance Report


S. Siemens reported there had been 2 formal complaints this past year.  At the time of the meeting, S. Siemens believed one complaint had been resolved with the parties, and one unresolved.  During the meeting, S. Siemens reminded everyone in attendance that in signing the Lease, each resident has made a promise to follow the KBA and KRA bylaws.  He urged residents to remember their promise specifically with pets off-leash in the community and encroachment issues.  These are the two main issues that consistently come up.  Put your pets on a leash, fence your yard, build a dog run, do whatever you have to do but do NOT let your pets roam around without a leash.  S. Siemens also reminded residents the shoreline is a hot topic and that we need to work together to ensure we all have fair and equal space.  As Crown Land, we are all “squatters” on the beach front.  We all have a social responsibility to share that space equitably with one another.  KBA is putting an emphasis on dealing with non-Kinookimaw residents using the beach in front of our community, but as our community grows we will need to continue to be accommodating and considerate..


6. Finance Report


B. McDowell presented the financial report as distributed.  General discussion on the credit remaining at Hordos Insurance due to the Board paying for D&O Insurance even though the Board does not qualify for it (prior Board’s have paid this insurance but it actually never existed as a coverage option).  Hordos advocated for us, and the Insurer acknowledged the error and refunded the 2021-2022 amount already paid to them for the non-existent insurance in the form of a credit on account to be used for event insurance.  There is currently $894.44 in credit.  This is enough to cover approximately 3-4 events depending on size and nature of activity. 


M: That the Treasurer's report be accepted as presented.

       M/S: B. McDowell/S. Siemens



7. KBA Manager Report


L. Bumphrey, Community Manager, updated residents on the items listed in the agenda.  Notable updates:


a)  Water system – the current water system has been in place for 40 years and was only created for use by 40 households (currently Kinookimaw has 110 households).  The most recent issue with water capacity could have been caused by either a breaker issue which meant the pumps were not pumping and/or higher than normal usage.  There is insufficient power service to the pump house. Both pumps can run at the same time but can’t start at the same time or the breaker trips.   

  • Discussion:  There were a lot of questions and statements about the water system issues.  Residents want an actual solution in place not just more discussion year after year.  It is not reasonable to expect a water system built for 40 households to provide satisfactory water capacity for 110 households.  The 40 year old system in place is incapable of supplying water to each household and storing water in the case of an emergency situation.  Lorne informed the residents that he had previously completed an investigation into a new water system and provided the $200,000 - $250,000 cost estimate to W. Morris, however, Wayne declined to pursue it further.  Discussions were also previously held to look into tapping into Regina Beach’s water system but W. Morris was not interested and stated he wants to own the water system.  Lorne suggests residents conserve water but that is not an actual solution to the problem and was not met with positive remarks.  Lorne will pull the screens and clean them again (like last year) and hopefully that will help a bit with the capacity issues.  Lorne stated “It’s been like this for 40 years.  The system is archaic.”  When asked if there’s an alarm in the tank to alert Lorne to an issue, he said no and that he has to check it multiple times a day when/if he is close by.  The final statement by T. Edwards summed up the general sentiment of everyone when he said: “We’re getting more and more residents.  The status quo is not satisfactory.”  So what can we, as residents, do to move this forward? 


  1. Kinookimaw residents contribute funds and purchase larger tanks/pumps which will be gifted to the Bands for use in Kinookimaw.  

  2. Residents should write a letter to Chief Peigan and W. Morris expressing their displeasure with the “archaic” water system.

  3. Water Meters – A separate entity could be hired to install water meters and a pay per use system be implemented however this idea is very costly ($250 per household) and the water meters would need to be removed in autumn and then re-installed in spring every year.  This idea was compared to the Federal Carbon Tax in that it does not fix the capacity issues and is only a revenue generator.

  4. Residents could withhold their Lease payments due to the fact KBA is not honoring their Lease commitment to provide consistent water.


FYI:  Water capacity usage from outside the community:  Hidden Hills Campground uses 0%; Regina Beach Golf Course uses 0%; and Regina Beach Golf Course Club House uses approximately 10%.


ACTION:  As the Community Manager, L. Bumphrey, will meet with Mark from Municipal Utilities Craven, to determine the capacity of the aquifer and if it could keep up with larger pumps.  L. Bumphrey will also complete a thorough inspection of the water system.  L. Bumphrey is to have this done within 2 – 3 weeks and report back to the in-coming Board advising of the findings.  The in-coming Board will reach out to the community to create a committee to help L. Bumphrey put an action plan into place and determine next steps for taking theses issues to Chief Peigan and W. Morris for immediate resolution.


b) Roadway maintenance and signage 

  • Roads - Now that the rain has subsided, L. Bumphrey is finalizing a coordinated time next week with TRB for the grading and dust proofing of the roads.  There was discussion about the success of the reclaimed asphalt used last year to fill holes and smooth out roads.  Residents have asked for the reclaimed asphalt to once again be made available and L. Bumphrey has agreed to leave a large pile of it across from his house.  Please help yourself, if you have an area on your street that requires a little extra filling.  There was a lot of discussion on the best ways to deal with drainage damage on our roads and conversations asking for ideas to find a solution not just patch it as has been done in previous years.  There is currently no action plan on this.  
  • Signage – As previously reported, L. Bumphrey will raise the stop signs to meet regulations and hopefully this will make it easier for residents to comply with.  He will also be placing NO PARKING signs at the Kinookimaw Community Park entrance and CHILDREN AT PLAY signs on Sunset. Please remember we are a growing community with many children.  The speed limit is maximum 30km/hr.  There are a few residents in our community who consistently disobey the posted speed limits and put everyone at risk.  Slow down!  This cannot be stressed enough!  

c) IMUC and South Shore First Responders 

  • IMUC – There has not been a meeting in 7 months and there is no update to be provided.  
  • South Shore First Responders – There is a volunteer shortage and our community needs your help! Please consider becoming a volunteer.  W. Morris has offered to purchase an AED for Kinookimaw.  There is currently one located at the Regina Beach Golf Course Club House but when the Club House is not open, it cannot be accessed.  The AED needs to be stored in a heated location.  There was discussion on the most central location that could be accessed 24/7 and it was agreed that a heated shelter cabinet would be purchased and placed beside Lorne’s garage.  More details to come once the cabinet and AED are ready for use.   


d) Fire and emergency evacuation planning – Lorne will send a map to all residents, however, he believes “everyone knows how to get out of Kinookimaw”.  If you would like clarification, please reach out to L. Bumphrey.


e) Hidden Hills Resort & Campground and “Resident Access to the Hills” – Stacey, from Hidden Hills, has invited Kinookimaw residents to walk over to the resort to have a look at all the positive changes they are making in that area.  He also invited everyone to bring the family to play on the play structure and enjoy some ice cream.  In the next few weeks, you will notice some changes to the McNab gates and possibly a toll-booth in the future.  HH is paying for the road maintenance and restoration.  Currently the KBA’s rule does not allow for access to the Hills via vehicle (though members of the 7 bands have been given access on a case-by-case exception basis by W. Morris), however all Kinookimaw residents are welcome to enjoy the hills on foot, peddle bike and golf cart.  ATVs, dirt bikes and UTVs are not allowed.  Please honor the maximum 15km/hr speed limit in the campground and help HH keep their residents and guests safe.


f) Repositioning of gates on walking path – This has been reported previously and has not changed.  The plan is still to move the west gates further west and the east gates further east to allow for easier access to the shoreline for Kinookimaw residents.  With the help of Stacey & HH, the east gates will be removed and replaced with concrete blocks that will be staggered to make it, hopefully, impossible for those pesky aggressive dirt-bikers to get through.  The path “rules” have not changed. Kinookimaw residents are permitted to use quads, golf carts or whatever they need to bring their docks in and out each year and be able to access their shoreline, however, the path is not a roadway.  West Easement (Access) – residents cleaned a walking path to the Shoreline last summer and it has been enjoyed.  A question was posed if it should be widened to allow for golf carts but surrounding residents were not in favor of this.  There is currently an easement beside Randy K’s house, however, his motorhome is sitting on part of it.  Further discussion on the West Access issue is required as it would take a great deal of work before that easement could be used as a widened and safe access point.


g) Seasonal Trailer Storage Lot (use, policy and capacity) – The KRA received 3 lots from the KBA to use as seasonal trailer storage to help relieve the pressure of having watercraft trailers in resident’s driveways/yards that spill out onto the roadway and challenge traffic flow.  The policy for this lot is found on our website. Please review it if you are not familiar with it.  There are currently 3 ice-fishing shacks (campers) and construction equipment in the lot that will be towed if the owners do not remove them.  Seasonal watercraft trailer storage is on a first come basis and limited to 1 qualifying trailer per household.  Trailers are required to have their owner’s name and phone number listed on them.  If you require more storage, there are rental lots behind Papa Geordies, on Hwy 11, and Dave Rempel (just down on Hwy 54) offers storage space for only $120 a year.


h) Fire Bans – there is currently no fire ban in place.


i) Garbage Collection – This service remains fully satisfactory.  Residents are encouraged to “put bins away” for their neighbours who may be away.


8. Social Committee


We have a volunteer!  Thank you, Jacquie Bumphrey, for agreeing to plan 2 events this summer.  We’re looking forward to getting together and meeting all our new neighbours.


9. KRA Board Elections


a) Carla Matt – returning for a 2nd two-year term.


b) New Board Members: Carla Koot, Blaine Campbell, Brodi Garbowicz, Dawn Schmidt and Dwayne Reddekop.  The new Board will convene and appoint their own officers.



10. New, Continuing and Other Business


a) Kinookimaw Park Committee (KPC) Update – no official update provided, however, Dina Dennis, shared that new gates will be installed and a few outstanding changes/improvements will be completed this summer.  The KPC hopes to use the remaining committed KRA funds this summer to complete the project.


b) Kinookimaw Community Bylaws – the new Board will continue conversations that might facilitate legally operating golf carts, etc. in the community.


c) KRA Membership Fees – Until the incoming Board has determined and announced a new Treasurer, please forward your $20 to Bruce McDowell or give your $20 cash to any new Board member.


Other new Business from the floor – none.


11. Thank you to the following residents for volunteering to maintain our community:

  1. Johnny Barber – help with road maintenance
  2. Dina Dennis – welcome sign flowers

  3. Scott Siemens – leading a respectful and informative AGM meeting



12. Adjournment


With all agenda items completed, the meeting was adjourned.



S. Siemens, Acting President




C. Matt, ActingSecretary



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