Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
August 23, 2023
President Dwayne Redekopp; Vice-President Blaine Campbell; Treasurer Carla Koot; Secretary Dawn Schmidt; Carla Matt (by Teams) and Brodi Garbowicz; Lorne Bumphrey (absent)
Call to Order at 7:04 pm
1. Adoption of Agenda
M: THAT the Agenda be approved as previously circulated with the addition of AED information and Residents List
M/S: Dwayne R/Brodie G
2. Approval of Minutes
M: That the Minutes of July 19, 2023 be approved as circulated
M/S: Dwayne R/Carla K
3. Financial Report
Carla K indicated that they are still have issues with the bank, but she is trying work through them. She also advised that the current account balance is $5,584.56. The invoice for the work at the park has been paid and totalled $1,500. 66 members have paid their yearly membership. The email address for payment of memberships will be added into the monthly Kommunicator.
M: That the Financial Report be accepted as presented
M/S: Blaine C/Dwayne R
4. KBA Manager Report - Lorne not present but discussion was held on certain topics
a) Path gates and signage: 30 km/hr sign that was vandalized at the corner of Dogwood Drive and Sunset will be replaced.
b) West access walking path: No action
c) Traffic signage and speed limit: Speed signs have been changed. No parking signs near park still need to be installed.
d) Water system and restrictions: On July 25th they try to test the system. The was insufficient to run the pump. New wiring was required and needs to be trenched in. Lorne is coordinating the trenching. Once this is completed, the pump can be retested.
e) Shoreline Issues: No recent issues.
5. Bylaw Compliance Report - Meeting is being held August 24th to resolve an issue.
M: THAT the Bylaw Compliance Report be accepted as presented.
M/S: Carla Koot/ Dwayne Redekopp
6. Current business arising from minutes
a) Park Report - Carla Koot
All work at the park has been completed and paid. The park committee has disbanded. Any future work that need to be done will be completed by the board.
7. New Business
a) Christmas Party - The Christmas Party is usually the first Saturday in December. Dwayne will contact the hall and book for December 2 or 9th. Carla Koot will talk to Dina to see if she is interested in coordinating the supper.
b) Kinookimaw Communicator - Dawn will draft the Kommunicator for future months.
8. Next Meeting Date
Next meeting to be held on September 20, 2023.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm
Dwayne Redekopp, President
Dawn Schmidt, Secretary