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Potable, Chlorinated Water with Sufficient Supply


This is our community’s most pressing and expensive issue ongoing for several years.


Options and ideas were explored through the Kinookimaw Residents Water Discussion Group. Residential water meters are still being considered as a sustainable way to equitably provide an improved water service.


Briefly, there are three pumps serving our growing community. Two are used for normal, daily supply to our properties, our primary pumps. The third is standby in event of fire or any other need to increase volume. Occasionally this third pump is used to replace one of the two primary pumps which have failed. In the past year the water system has been stable. We have

been fortunate so far this current year with supply, but dry conditions and summer activities increase demand. Be water wise!


Ongoing monthly water testing continues to indicate our water is safe and of good quality. Chlorination is a health standard regulation for community water services as preventative process to ensure healthy potable water, thus the ongoing Boil Water Advisory.


The Kinookimaw Residents Association Board of Directors continues to work with The Kinookimaw Beach Association to pursue and/or re-examine all options as quickly as possible.


A reminder for improved water use and conservation. On even dates, permanent residents whose name starts with A-L should water and on odd calendar dates M-Z. This will allow week-end users the opportunity for watering yards and overall resulting in less stress on our water supply system.

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